Book Review: The 30-Day Alzheimer’s Solution
The authors of The 30-Day Alzheimer’s Solution use evidence-based science to support their dietary breakthroughs in dementia prevention and care. Written by neuroscientists and neurologists, Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, this WSJ and USA Today best seller is centered on the doctor-approved idea that feeding the brain with healthy food and lifestyle choices is the best defense against brain diseases. Out of the emerging “mini-genre” of mind diet books, this one offers a most definitive guide for improving memory and mental agility.
Why are we reading this book?
Preventing dementia, especially Alzheimer’s, has become a major priority for both medical professionals and Americans who according to a recent CDC report are twice as afraid of losing cognitive skills as physical abilities. We value the extensive research Drs. Sherzai performed to develop a dietary plan that empowers people with a program to help deter cognitive decline as well as establishing the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Both are impressive as are the nutritious and eye-appealing plant-based recipes.
To function properly, the brain needs an energy fuel sources such as glucose, which also reduces oxidation and inflammation. Since the brain does not produce its own antioxidant enzymes, the main source is food—plants, seeds, nuts, and legumes. The brain also needs healthy fats which are also derived from food such as avocados and olives. Without these essential food nutrients, Drs. Sherzai state that cognition declines into one or more types of dementia with Alzheimer’s being the most common.
The typical American diet includes proteins, carbohydrates, and fats obtained from widely accepted food groups—meat, poultry, grains, dairy, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and oils. Introducing the body to any kind of new diet could cause issues such as low energy levels and feeling hungry or unwell. Taste preferences are sometimes hard to retrain, and cravings for sugar, cheese, salt, or meat might also be overwhelming.
Solution Steps:
To achieve goals, Drs. Sherzai offer the SMART formula: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound. Success also depends on motivation, which in their opinion should be considered a verb—a conscious choice to take action. Concerns about interpretation of the word “moderation” prevent them from using it in their guidance. “The issue with moderation is that each person’s definition may vary, especially the allowable amount,” they said.
With an understanding of how to set attainable goals to achieve and maintain beneficial brain health, Drs. Sherzai base their guidance on the Neuro Plan:
- Nutrition—every meal designed to heal and increase cognitive capacity.
- Exercise—individualized and targeted moderate exercise for strength, cardio and flexibility.
- Unwind—determine stressors and practice variety of activities to restore inner peace and calm.
- Restore—learn best sleep practices for improved mental function and relationship with food.
- Optimize—quality time with friends and family, explore new things, and brain stretching activities.
Until recently, personalized medicine was most commonly associated with treatment of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. The 30-day ALZ Solution is customized medicine for the brain because deterring dementia is not a one-size fits all approach. Additionally, most cognition diseases are an accumulation of many lifestyle risks. This book is a protocol designed to generally minimize those risks and allows room for individual variables. Believing this book is the future of mental and physical well-being, Drs. Sherzai present a nourishing serving of well-documented research, step-by-step guidance, menu planning, shortcut tips, and mouth-watering recipes.