To your mental health


Reach out and touch someone

If you’re hesitant to reconnect with someone thinking that they won’t welcome it, a recent study confirms that while initiators typically underestimate people’s reactions, the recipients are much more likely to appreciate it.  Since relationships are considered among the strongest indicators of our health, connecting with others is a definite mental health booster. Find out more

Chores have an unexpected benefit

In a first of its kind, a half-million people participated in a study exclusively designed to find out the role lifestyle habits play in the prevention of dementia. Results found that while brisk walks and bike rides can reduce the onset of these diseases by 35%, chores such as cooking, cleaning and gardening had the second highest percentage with a 21% reduction. More details

Be a part-time optimist

Psychologists say it’s possible to boost optimism with practice and suggest part time for starters. Why you may ask? Because negative emotions are important identifiers of what isn’t working. It’s also about taking small steps to succeed in the long run. Some quick tips include savoring the good, reframing the not so good, and to stop doom scrolling. Discover other tips