Eyes, ears and…ovaries

We love articles about healthcare advances that can offer hope, healing and a greater quality of life. Our latest favorites include:

People with blindness and impaired vision living in areas with a short supply of human cornea transplants could benefit from a new kind of implant. Surgeons in Iran and India conducted a 20-patient pilot trial that used an implant made of collagen protein from pig skin, which is similar to human skin. These porcine corneas can be stored for up to two years and easily shipped to greatest-need areas. Learn more

Tinnitus affects nearly 15% of the world’s population, with 120 million people severely suffering from daily ringing and other intrusive ear noises. Treatments and results have been mixed until now. New research offers a promising remedy using a cell phone app with three modalities—white noise, active game-based therapy, and counseling designed to “rewire” the brain. Hear more

Aspirin could help more than headaches. Data from 17 studies that examined the association between aspirin and ovarian cancer risk reported that a 75mg daily dose of aspirin resulted in a 13% risk reduction in women most likely to develop the disease. Believed to block triggering proteins and diminish inflammation, an aspirin protocol can benefit at-risk groups including those genetically prone to the ‘Angelina Jolie gene.’ Find out more