Our July 4th trivia tribute!

It’s that time again when America lets freedom ring, the ice cream sings, and the grill is king. So, are you ready to celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks in the sky? 

We’d like to contribute to your holiday festivities with a serving of trivia tidbits about fireworks – a “fat-and-calorie-free” snack you can share with others while awaiting this year’s latest pyrotechnic performance. 

Are fireworks a recent invention?

Originally used in spiritual ceremonies, fireworks were created in China over 2,000 years ago. 

How are the patterns and shapes made?

It depends on how the color-producing chemicals are arranged inside the shell.

What is the hardest color to create?

That would be blue due to the instability at high temperatures of its main ingredient, copper chloride.

 What is the temperature of sparklers?

There’s a reason for the safety warnings, they burn at temperatures over 15 times the boiling point of water. 

 What causes the boom, bang, crackle, and whistle sounds?

A combination of different chemical configurations and the firework’s design. 

What is the largest fireworks display according to Guiness?

A multi-dimensional experience on New Year’s Eve 2006, the island of Madeira launched 66,326 fireworks from 37 sites on both land and sea.

Enjoy your fireworks trivia treat along with our wishes for a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday.