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We swear that what you’re about to read is the honest to goodness truth. And while it made headlines a year ago, we missed it and maybe you did too.
So, we’re talking about the reported benefits of swearing.
Psychologist Timothy Jay, who has studied swearing for over 40 years, suggests that the advantages of swearing have become clearer through recent research on brain function and emotion. A key finding is the link between swearing and intelligence according to a 2015 study that specified how swearing involves a sophisticated use of language and social intelligence. Additionally, this skill includes knowing when and where it’s suitable to use such language.
Swearing is also associated with honesty. A 2017 series of studies showed that people who use profanity tend to lie less and have higher levels of integrity. Likewise, it’s been shown to improve pain tolerance because swearing triggers a stress response which can decrease the sensation of pain. Thus, you may feel less pain if you say “sh*t” instead of “shoot.”
Studies have shown that swearing serves as a means of expressing aggression without physical repercussions and it allows individuals to communicate emotions quickly and clearly. However, while swearing has its reported advantages, it’s crucial to be conscious of its context and the potential impact on others.