Telehealth: Yes? Or no?
Is the modern-day house call here to stay? Or is telehealth a one-hit wonder that will fade away at some point in time along with the pandemic restrictions?
Dating back to the early 1960’s, telehealth has been winding its way into mainstream use ever since. Like Zoom, it’s popularity exploded during quarantine requirements which accelerated patient use of technology in the healthcare industry.
Does that mean telehealth is here to stay?
A June article posted by TeleBehavioral Health Institute states that “Suggestions are now being made for how breakthroughs that were achieved can be sustained for a vibrant new form of healthcare that significantly includes telehealth after COVID-19.” This month, an article in Forbes magazine claims that healthcare providers are getting comfortable with the digital doctor’s office concept and consumers appreciate the risk-free environment among many telemedicine benefits.
Still, telehealth is not yet free of issues related to digital device access, reimbursement, payer parity, state licensure and even updating internal policies. A recent article in U.S. News & World Report takes a look at some of the solutions such as increased connectivity, relaxed HIPAA requirements, and infrastructure investments to improve video platforms that supports why analysts are saying, “There is no going back.” What do you think?