Want to live longer?

Can’t decide if you want to watch TV or read? A Yale University study found that people who read more than 3.5 hours a week live just shy of two years longer than those who don’t.

Even though results of the 12-year study with 3,600 participants were published in 2016, the findings are experiencing a resurgence. Today, people are proactively seeking how best to preserve their mental and physical health and pursue information that empowers them to help control the quality of their lives.

The study consisted of three groups—people who never cracked open a book, those who read less than 3 hours a week, and those who read more than 30 minutes a day. Compared to people who never read a book, results showed that individuals who read a few hours a week had a 17% greater survival rate and participants who read more lived 20% longer. An unexpected outcome was that reading books improved results more than newspapers and magazines. 

Researchers surmise that reading books is more beneficial because it requires engaging with the book and understanding its content. Also, there is an emotional connection with the characters and their stories, which requires more mental energy compared to watching TV. And it’s a well-known fact that increased mental activity boosts feelings of happiness and joy. So, we have some great book recommendations for you here.