What does it take to conceive a brilliant innovation? For starters, a mind that can’t stop asking “what if?” questions, followed by a persistent pursuit to find a problem’s solution. And today’s young people are demonstrating an extraordinary curiosity with ground-breaking results.
An ancient technological theory
Construction of Egyptian pyramids has fascinated scholars for centuries – the top two theories are the water shaft and ramp. Have scientists uncovered a third contender?
Where to get great ideas
Do you get your best ideas in the shower? Well, there’s actually scientific reasoning that explains why time spent lathering up can prompt a brilliant thought to bubble up.
There’s a college course about…that??
This one-week college course has a unique, 132-year history. A newly married couple included it as part of their honeymoon, and registration demand can sometimes crash the system. What subject could possibly be so popular?
Our July 4th trivia tribute!
It’s that time again when America lets freedom ring, the ice cream sings, and the grill is king. So, are you ready to celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks in the sky? We’d like to contribute to your holiday festivities with a serving of trivia tidbits about fireworks – a “fat-and-calorie-free” snack you can share with others while awaiting this year’s latest pyrotechnic performance.
Meet The Expert: Dr. Tobias Lindig
Founder of the German medical technology company AIRAmed which recently announced AIRAscore, a medical image management and processing system to assist physicians in early detection of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
Why the name matters
Brands make promises and consumers put their trust in brands. What can be considered the most important piece of brand development? Some experts say it’s the company name. So, how do company founders choose a name?
And the winner is…
Congratulations goes to Pazanga Health’s Digital Marketing & Social Media Lead Sarah Bricker, who was recently named the winner of a Gold Stevie® Award in the Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager category for Social Media Manager of the Year in the 22nd Annual American Business Awards®.
Book Review: The Four Workarounds by Paulo Savaget
Paulo Savaget is a consultant and entrepreneur who specializes in teaching successful business solutions obtained from non-traditional strategies employed by atypical organizations and individuals. In his book, The Four Workarounds, he emphasizes the importance of concepts implemented in the Amazon more than those of corporate Amazon.
Could bathrooms of the future be TMI?
Mirror, mirror on the wall…what is the future of tech-driven, health-monitoring bathrooms? Innovative fixtures are already used in top hospitals and hotels. Is your bathroom next?
Look what’s tip toeing through the tulips!
It’s boxy and costs the same as a sports car. Yet tulip farmers across the Netherlands would rather spend $200,000 on a new high-tech AI robot named Theo developed to root out sick tulip bulbs that can compromise the famous patchwork quilts of color.
A word game wave becomes a tsunami
Wordle took off like gangbusters. The New York Times acquired it six months later from originator, Josh Wardle. Why do tens of millions play it daily?