How Big Is The Health Services Industry ?
The health services industry touches the lives of nearly everyone in the United States. It encompasses hospital care, physician, dental, and clinical services, prescriptions drugs, medical devices, and nursing home and home health care. These sectors generate...
Therapeutic Technologies Are Changing The Way We Recover
In 2011, an IBM supercomputer named Watson defeated two reigning champions on the TV quiz show Jeopardy, winning the first prize of $1 million. Watson has a 15-terabyte data bank of human knowledge—more than 15 times Wikipedia—and can process the equivalent of a...
Implications of the 2.3% Device Tax Associated with Obamacare
When the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, was signed into law in 2010, it contained a 2.3% excise tax on gross sales of medical devices. The tax applies to a wide range of products, from bedpans to the most advanced heart devices, as well as companies, from emerging...
Where Are The Jobs Now In Healthcare?
Between 1960 and 2013, the average life expectancy for men and women in the United States rose from 70 to nearly 79 years. During that same period, the general population of the United States grew older with the baby boomers. Add 32 million Americans gaining access to...
Whats Happening With Health Information Technology?
Health information technology (health IT), or the exchange of health information in an electronic environment, allows the safe and secure sharing of health information as it passes between consumers, providers, insurers and government entities. Health IT has been on...
Custom Craze in Medical Devices Applies to Fitness, Too
Just Ask a Former Biomedical Engineer Turned Personal Trainer Customization is a hot concept in medtech these days. The idea, of course, is that enhanced personalization will improve treatment accuracy, patient outcomes and quality of life. I’ve learned over the past...
Nobles Communications Becomes Nobles Global Communications
Nobles Communications Becomes Nobles Global Communications; New Name Conveys Focus on Serving Medtech Innovators Worldwide February 21, 2013 – LOS ANGELES – Public relations and marketing services agency Nobles Communications LLC has changed its name to Nobles Global...
Corporate Videos Done Right
We’ve all seen them: videos promos designed to “wow” us about a company and its wares. Unfortunately, many corporate videos often fall short of their intended goal. How can you make sure yours isn’t a snooze-fest? I say make it personal. Any company can claim to have...