What happens if we turn off the lights?

What happens if we turn off the lights?

What happens if we turn off the lights? In July 1977, a massive blackout occurred in New York City which had a very unexpected result – residents saw a rare glimpse of the Milky Way usually obscured by artificial light. The event underscored how urban lighting erases...
A most unusual year-end list

A most unusual year-end list

What do a toothy toadstool, a vegetarian piranha, and a tiny pipe horse drifting through the Indian Ocean have in common? They are a few of the extraordinary species scientists named and described for the first time in 2024.

A good reason to check your ancestry

A good reason to check your ancestry

Dual citizenship is not exclusively for the rich and famous. Because of changes in requirements, individuals can explore citizenship opportunities through ancestry, marriage, or other means that don’t require substantial financial investments.