Want to live longer?

Want to live longer?

Can’t decide if you want to watch TV or read? A Yale University study found that people who read more than 3.5 hours a week live just shy of two years longer than those who don’t.

Even though results of the 12-year study with 3,600 participants were published in 2016, the findings are experiencing a resurgence. Today…

To your mental health

To your mental health

Diet and exercise routines benefit our physical health. To help prevent mental health illnesses, consider adding one or more of these research-tested recommendations to your fitness program.

Dyslexia has its advantages

Dyslexia has its advantages

Some famous names such as Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Steve Jobs and Sir Richard Branson have something in common. Are you surprised to hear that it’s dyslexia?

Thought to be a learning disability that affects one in five people, a recent study proves otherwise. Scientists claim….

The database debate

The database debate

Oracle’s bold vision to build a national medical records database has put this challenging issue back in the conversation with its recent acquisition of Cerner. We think it’s worth a snapshot look at the selected opinions of various experts.

Now hear this…

Now hear this…

Lately, our ears have perked up plenty hearing about promising new solutions for deafness. We just had to share what we think are three of the most exciting advancements.